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JCat last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. JB RACE WAR! And Last man/woman standing! 2 teams of 15 Players will battle it out for the the team prize using JB on any compatible game available in the casino. Players must send a screen shot showing that they have a minimum of 10000 JB in their game wallets upon start. Points will be determined by total profit after the start time. Team points will be added collectively at the scheduled end time of ten minutes. Any players who have a zero balance will be eliminated and surviving winning team members will be awarded with prize. Round 2 Remaining players must hold only 10000 jb and vault anything in excess qualifying players will have 3 minutes to try and outcompete the other players in Keno group game. so that action there so odds are equal. Players must play every round or be eliminatedPlayer who has highest jb amount or is last one standing after 3 minute set time wins! NSFW SELFIE CHALLENGE Players will submit no less than three NSFW selfies in forum. Entries will be accepted for one week and then forum topic will be closed for 1 additional week of voting by forum members. Winning player must Come in third place because being hot is a gift all in its self
  2. I got daddy issues... so I feel like I should get to know you.

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